Crooked Contractor is a site purposed at educating consumers on some ideas for how to possibly avoid getting involved with a crooked contractor and providing some ideas for potential courses of actions should one end up in the unfortunate position of doing business with a crooked contractor.
The suggestions on this site are a result of our encounter with a crooked contractor but they are not foolproof. By describing our experience we hope to give ideas for screening a contractor and give examples of how the crooked contractor we dealt with made our interaction with him wholly unpleasant.
Brian C. Darnell is the contractor we dealt with. Brian Darnell operates out of O’ Fallon Missouri and has operated under several business names. The latest business name Brian Darnell is using to conduct business under is called Darnell-Construction.

Watch as News Channel 4 Investigative Reporter Chris Nagus warns the St. Louis community about unethical contractor Brian Darnell.