Sheldon vs. Prodigy Restoration Group

2017 Litigation

In the 21st Judicial Circuit (St. Louis County) Court another customer of Prodigy Restoration Group is stuck seeking help from the justice system in dealing with the company.

Case 16SL-CC01081 finds Ms. Sandy Sheldon going from being a consumer looking to have work performed to getting stuck in a legal mess with Prodigy Restoration Group LLC and the owner Brian Darnell.

Sheldon vs. Prodigy Restoration Group
Sheldon vs. Prodigy Restoration Group


In a sign of how things in this case are going for Prodigy Restoration Group, the businesses legal counsel has been granted leave to withdraw by Judge Joseph S. Dueker.

Steingberg quits representing Prodigy Restoration Group and Brian Darnell
Steingberg quits representing Prodigy Restoration Group and Brian Darnell