As was pointed out in the page addressing the Brian Darnell shell game, unlike a typical business that strives to build a brand reputation and name recognition Brian Darnell starts numerous construction and remodeling LLCs with different names.

The above list (Brian C. Darnell LLC, Darnell Construction LLC, Design-Build St. Louis LLC) only represents the LLC entities for which Brian Darnell is the Registered Agent, other entities exist that other Registered Agents are affiliated with, such as Darnell-Group LLC and the failed Prodigy Restoration Group that the Missouri Secretary of State was forced to take control of and Administratively Cancel.

It is unknown how many “Doing Business As” names could have been created by Brian Darnell to give the appearance of yet another business entity.
What is know about Brian Darnell is that at this time his defunct Prodigy Restoration Group is still the subject of a Civil Lawsuit brought by a former customer.

Things look like the customer will be awarded a judgement against Darnell’s business as the judge decreed an interlocutory order of default against Prodigy Restoration Group LLC. Later in April of 2018, over two years that the unfortunate customer has had to deal with Brian Darnell, another Case Management conference will be scheduled.
What remains to be seen is if Ms. Sheldon will join the list of other Creditors who are on file with the U.S Bankruptcy Courts in the matter of Brian Darnell’s continuing Chapter 13 personal Bankruptcy. [Darnell entered Ch. 13 in 2010, had the protection stripped in June of 2014 for failure to make plan payments, and petitioned for and was awarded reinstatement to Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Nov of 2014, where he remains today.]

The significance of Brian Darnell being personally in bankruptcy is that if these business entities cannot repay consumers, Darnell is not responsible for making good to his customers. If trouble arises for a Darnell business Brian Darnell has shown in the past a willingness to try to pull the plug on his business and claim no personal responsibility for the damage he causes. (See the KMOV News 4 Investigative Report by Chris Nagus where “Darnell says Prodigy Restoration is out of business, and he has no plans to pay either homeowner at this point.”
This is precisely what Darnell did with us, taking $10,000 in payments and then refusing to return the money despite never performing any work. Because Darnell is in bankruptcy, we would join a long list of creditors, as shown above, if we were to try and pursue our judgment through the Bankruptcy courts.